Over 200 interviews has been conducted

Personal information and cookies

Responsibility for personal data
The Truth Commission for the Sami People (Ku 2021:02) is responsible for the processing of personal data, and for ensuring that they are processed in accordance with the applicable legislation.
Personal data are any kind of information that can be linked directly or indirectly to a living person. The processing of personal data means anything that can be done with personal data.

Legal basis for processing personal data
To process personal data, there must be support for this in the applicable data protection regulations, the ‘legal basis’. For the Commission, such a basis depends above all on the processing of personal data being necessary to carry out a task that is of public interest. All assignments that the Riksdag or Government has tasked to government authorities, including the Commission, are of public interest according to the Government’s definition. When the Commission processes sensitive personal data, it does so supported by the legal basis of an important public interest. Personal data may also be processed if consent has been given.

How the Commission processes personal data:

For event registration
When the Commission is organising an event, we process personal data to be able to administer any registrations. The legal basis for this is public interest.

For correspondence with individual people
When you contact the Commission, for example by telephone, letter or email, we process the data you provide in order to provide you with the assistance you request. The legal basis for this is that the assignment is of public interest. If you provide sensitive personal data, the processing is supported by the legal basis of an important public interest.

Collection of personal accounts
To fulfil the purpose of the inquiry, the Commission will collect individual people’s personal accounts. The personal data processed may be names, though the data provided may be associated with a physical person even when the account is anonymous, and in such cases it becomes personal data. These data are sensitive by nature since they relate to ethnic origin. The legal basis for their processing is an important public interest.

The Commission consults with organisations and reference persons, for which we process names, contact details and other data which are provided within the consultation framework. The data processing is based on the legal basis of public interest.

Newsletter subscription and press releases
The Commission processes personal data in connection with subscription to newsletters and press releases. The processing enables us to administer the subscription and send out the information, on the legal basis of consent. Personal data are deleted when a subscription is terminated.

How long will you keep my personal data?
The Commission is an authority and, according to the legislation in force, the basis is that the authority should keep official documents. Personal data that are not part of an official document are only saved as long as they are necessary, for the purposes for which they are processed. They are then deleted.

Who can see my personal data?
The Commission is a government authority. Communications that are sent to us become official documents and may later be released in accordance with the principle of public access to official documents. Personal accounts are subject to secrecy, meaning that the information may not be disclosed to anyone outside the Commission. When the Commission has completed its work and the material has been collected for archiving purposes, the data may be disclosed if they are needed for research or statistical purposes. It is also possible to disclose information which is not directly attributable to an individual by name, other identity designation or similar relationship.

Your rights
The Commission is responsible for ensuring that your personal data is processed in accordance with the applicable legislation.
The Commission will – at your request or of its own initiative – correct or supplement personal data that is discovered to be incorrect, incomplete or misleading.
Depending on which legal basis the processing rests on, you have the right to have your personal data deleted. This means that you have the right to request that your personal data be removed if it is no longer needed for the purposes for which they were collected. If your personal data are necessary for the Commission to be able to fulfil its mandate, or when they are provided in an official document, the Commission will not be able to delete them.
You have the right to submit any complaints concerning the processing of your personal data to the Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection.

Request for extracts from records
You have the right to receive information about which of your personal data the Commission processes. Contact us in writing (by letter or email), stating your name, personal identity number, postal address, telephone number and email address (which is used in communications with the Commission). The extract will be sent to your registered address.

About cookies
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Cookies are small text files that are stored on the device you use to surf the internet, such as your computer or mobile phone. Only the cookies necessary for this website to function are used. The website was built using the WordPress system. We do not collect any personal data or your computer’s IP number. The data we collect is never used for commercial purposes nor shared with third parties.
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